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OrchestratorConfigAsyncTextIntakeSupplier Property

An asynchronous function that supplies a task promising contents of a single text line to be fed into Data Conveyer. (Func<Task<string>>). When end of data is reached, the function must return null (end of data mark). The AsyncTextIntakeSupplier function is a simplified version of the AsyncIntakeSupplier function where the following restrictions apply:
  • Input data kind is textual such as Delimited, Flat, etc. (and not for example XML).
  • All lines are associated with a single source.
  • No access to global cache.

Namespace:  Mavidian.DataConveyer.Orchestrators
Assembly:  DataConveyer (in DataConveyer.dll) Version: 3.4.6+1324144ff7
public Func<Task<string>> AsyncTextIntakeSupplier { get; set; }

Property Value

Type: FuncTaskString
See Also