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OrchestratorConfigInputHeadersRepeated Property

Relevant only if multiple intake sources are present and HeadersInFirstInputRow is true. True (default) means that all intake sources contain the header row; in this case Data Conveyer will read the headers from the first source that supplied intake data and will ignore the header rows from the remaining sources. False means that only the source that supplies the intake data first contains the header row (typically the source with SourceNo=1, but it can actually be any source); the remaining sources are assumed to only contain data rows (regardless of the HeadersInFirstInputRow setting). In either case, the only header row actually considered is the one from the source that supplies intake first. Note that all intake sources are subjected to the same set of processing rules, which implies that the same header row is applicable to all sources (hence the header row should be identical for all sources).

Namespace:  Mavidian.DataConveyer.Orchestrators
Assembly:  DataConveyer (in DataConveyer.dll) Version: 3.4.6+1324144ff7
public bool InputHeadersRepeated { get; set; }

Property Value

Type: Boolean
See Also