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OrchestratorConfigGlobalCacheElements Property

A list of definitions of the elements to be held in the global cache (IGlobalCache). Global cache is a central repository of arbitrary key value pairs maintained throughout the Data Conveyer process. Each array element defines a single global cache element. The definition consists of the key optionally followed by a pipe symbol (|) and the initial value to be placed in global cache. Element keys are of string type (only letters and numbers are recommended). The type of each element depends on the element value: if specified after the pipe symbol, it can be one of: int, DataTime, decimal or string. In case no pipe symbol is present in element definition, the element will be of type object with a null value. Note that element values (and types as well) can be changed by the ReplaceValueTIn, TOut(String, FuncTIn, TOut) method.

Rules for determining the element type depend on the value placed after the pipe symbol (|):

  • Any unquoted number without decimal point or commas will be of an int type. Int examples: "Int|0", "Val2|-15".
  • An unquoted number with decimal point will be of a decimal type. Decimal examples: "Dec|0.", "AnotherDec|-3.5".
  • A string in a valid date format will be of a DateTime type. DateTime examples: "Date|12/31/2012", Val2|12-DEC-12".
  • Any quoted string or string not fitting other types will be of a string type. Strings can contain any characters including pipe symbols and quotes if quoted, i.e. staring with a quote (ending quote is optional). String examples (note escaped inner quotes): "Str|abc", "Val2|\"0\"", "Val3|\"0", "Val4|\"\"" (empty string), "Val5|" (empty string)).
  • In absence of the pipe symbol, a null object is assumed, e.g. "Val1" (null).

Note that ExplicitTypeDefinitions or TypeDefiner settings have no meaning in determining the type of the global cache elements.

Also note that this settings only defines the elements of the global cache, and not the signals, which are simply referred to in RaiseSignal(String), AwaitSignal(String) and AwaitSignalAsync(String) methods.

Namespace:  Mavidian.DataConveyer.Orchestrators
Assembly:  DataConveyer (in DataConveyer.dll) Version: 3.4.6+1324144ff7
public string[] GlobalCacheElements { get; set; }

Property Value

Type: String
See Also