| KindOfTextData Enumeration |
Type (format) of text data to process (data lines are strings separated by CR/LF).
DataConveyer (in DataConveyer.dll) Version: 3.4.6+1324144ff7
Syntaxpublic enum KindOfTextData
Public Enumeration KindOfTextData
| Member name | Description |
| Raw |
This is the default data kind where data is not parsed or formatted.
On intake, the entire row contents is extracted into a single field named "RAW_REC".
On output, if multiple fields are encountered, they are simply spliced together.
| Keyword |
Keyword data, i.e. key-value pairs.
| Delimited |
Values delimited by a given character, such as comma separated values.
| Flat |
Flat data, i.e. fixed width fields.
| Arbitrary |
Text data with fields "cherry-picked" using arbitrary formulas (regex).
| XML |
XML data (tabular).
| JSON |
JSON data (tabular).
| UnboundJSON |
JSON data with unlimited nesting hierarchy. The hierarchy is reflected using a dot-notation. Specifically, field names follow the convention of the Path property
in the Newtonsoft's JsonReader. For example, a JSON object defined as {"Data":{"DataId":42,"Values":["val1","val2"]}} is equivalent to a record with these
3 fields: "Data.DataId" with a value of 42, "Data.Values[0]" with a value of "val1", and "Data.Values[1]" with a value of "val2".
| X12 |
An X12 document (EDI).
| HL7 |
HL7 v2.x message(s) (future use).
| Ultimate |
Text data that uses supplied functions to convert to/from canonical format (future use).
See Also