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OrchestratorConfigSetAsyncIntakeSupplier Method (FuncTaskString)

Designates an asynchronous intake supplier function. This overload of the SetAsyncIntakeSupplier method is intended for use in case of textual intake (such as Delimited, Flat, etc.) from a single source and no need to access the global cache.

Namespace:  Mavidian.DataConveyer.Orchestrators
Assembly:  DataConveyer (in DataConveyer.dll) Version: 3.4.6+1324144ff7
public void SetAsyncIntakeSupplier(
	Func<Task<string>> supplierToSet


Type: SystemFuncTaskString
A function that takes no parameters and returns a task promising a string representing a line of text. The function has no access to global cache and is suitable in case of a single source intake (the implied source number is 1).
See Also