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TransformerType Enumeration

Type of transformer to be invoked during Transform phase.

Namespace:  Mavidian.DataConveyer.Common
Assembly:  DataConveyer (in DataConveyer.dll) Version: 3.4.6+1324144ff7
public enum TransformerType
  Member nameDescription
Universal Each input cluster gets transformed into a sequence of output clusters (1: 0..many) based on the UniversalTransformer function.
Clusterbound Each input cluster gets transformed into a single output cluster (1:1) based on the ClusterboundTransformer function.
Recordbound Every record in each input cluster gets transformed into a corresponding record in output cluster (1:1) based on the RecordboundTransformer function.
ClusterFilter No transformation, but each input cluster may be removed from output (1:0..1) based on the ClusterFilterPredicate function.
RecordFilter No transformation, but every record in each input cluster may be removed from output (1:0..1) based on the RecordboundTransformer function.
Aggregator No transformation; instead, clusters are merged (reduced) into an aggregated cluster (1:1) (future use).
See Also