.NET Core and .NET Standard are not the same

Posted by Wojtek Dziegielewski on Dec 12, 2020

I am a lifelong software developer. I love finding solutions to problems assumed to be “unsolvable” before. I enjoy being creative, discovering new ways of addressing difficult challenges. I tolerate redoing projects with known resolution paths as long someone is willing to pay for my time.

However, there are also aspects of my work that I find frustrating. And I am not referring to the proverbial “fixing somebody else’s mistakes”. This example is all on me, “the perfect human being”. Let’s call it “falling into the same trap you fell into before”. It happened to me recently when I recognized the symptoms of a problem I had already experienced. I also remembered that I had resolved it, but I didn’t remember the underlying root cause or what the resolution was.

The Problem

In my work, I rely heavily on the fantastic LINQ library. It includes a Zip function, which is well established in functional programming communities, but little known to many C# developers. The function allows easy evaluation of two lists for commonalities.

For example, if I want to identify a common leading portion of two lists: myList and theOtherList, I can simply do:

myList.Zip(theOtherList).TakeWhile(t => t.First.Equals(t.Second))

So, if myList contains { 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 } and theOtherList contains {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ), the result will be { 1, 2 }.

One day I created a sleek utlity method leveraging the Zip function in a bit more complex way than the above example. The utility method worked beautifully in my test application.

I then decided to move my utility method to a class library project (so it can be reused elsewehere). All of a sudden, a compile error came up:

CS1501 No overload for method ‘Zip’ takes 1 arguments

How come it worked before, but now it won’t even compile?

The Solution

The secret is that my test application was targeting .NET Core 3.1. .NET Core supports a Zip method overload with a single argument, in which case it does the most sensible thing to do: create a list of tuples consisting of the respective elements from both lists. But, my class library was targeting .NET Standard 2.0. .NET Standard is not a specific target, but a standard; let’s think of it as the “least common denominator” between .NET Core and .NET Framework. In this particual case, the Zip method overload I called did not exist in .NET Framework, hence the error.

I needed to change my class library to be compliant with both .NET Core and .NET Framework. Specifically, I had to explicitly prescribe the most sensible thing to do: create a list of tuples consisting of the respective elements from both lists. Something like:

myList.Zip(theOtherList, (f, s) => (First: f, Second: s)).TakeWhile(t => t.First.Equals(t.Second))


When I look at it in retrospect, it all seems obvious. I should’ve known that .NET Core extends the Zip method from .NET Standard by an overload that does the most sensible thing to do. And even if I didn’t know it, I should’ve suspected the project target framework as a possible culprit.

However, receiveing the message “No overload for method ‘Zip’ takes 1 arguments” didn’t point me in the right direction. I remembered that I have seen it before, but I had no clear idea on the troubleshooting steps to take. Before I eventually figured out what was going on, I frustratingly went through the project dependencies, examined the failing method, its class, namespace, assembly, among other needless steps.

I fell into the trap twice already. Hopefully, there won’t be a third time.

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