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ICluster Methods

The ICluster type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddRecord
Add a given record at the end of the cluster.
Public methodGetClone
Return a copy (deep clone) of the cluster. The cloned cluster will have the same characteristics (e.g. ClstrNo and PropertyBin) as the current cluster.
Public methodGetEmptyClone
Return an empty cluster, i.e. cluster with no records, but the same characteristics (e.g. ClstrNo and PropertyBin) as the current cluster.
Public methodGetProcessingStatus
Return processing status of a given phase.
Public methodGetRecord
Return a record at a specified index position.
Public methodObtainEmptyRecord
Return an empty record (template) that is suitable to be contained in the current cluster.
Caution note Caution
This method should only be used in case of an empty cluster, such as a head cluster. Otherwise, one of the records contained in the cluster should be cloned instead.
Public methodRemoveRecord
Remove record at a specified index position from the cluster.
See Also