| CompletionStatus Enumeration |
Possible reasons for completion of process execution.
DataConveyer (in DataConveyer.dll) Version: 3.4.6+1324144ff7
Syntaxpublic enum CompletionStatus
Public Enumeration CompletionStatus
| Member name | Description |
| IntakeDepleted |
The process completed successfully by exhausting intake data (e.g. end of input file reached).
| LimitReached |
The process terminated upon processing the maximum number of intake records allowed (specified in the IntakeRecordLimit setting).
| Canceled |
The process was canceled by an external source (a call to CancelExecution method).
| TimedOut |
Execution time exceeded the maximum time allowed (specified in the TimeLimit setting).
| InitializationError |
The process could not start due to an error during initialization of the core process orchestration. For example, the input file was not found.
Details can be available in log data.
| InvalidAttempt |
The process could not start as the ExecuteAsync method call was attempted in an invalid context,
such as after prior execution or on disposed orchestrator object.
| Failed |
An irrecoverable error occurred during processing. For example, an exception thrown by a caller supplied code.
See Also