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ProgressEventArgs Class

Arguments for ProgressChanged event
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Mavidian.DataConveyer.Orchestrators
Assembly:  DataConveyer (in DataConveyer.dll) Version: 3.4.6+1324144ff7
public class ProgressEventArgs : EventArgs

The ProgressEventArgs type exposes the following members.

Public propertyClstrCnt
Number of clusters processed so far by the phase, including current cluster. In case of Transformation phase, this number refers to clusters before transformation, and not after (note that transformation may add or delete clusters).
Public propertyClstrNo
Sequence number of current cluster (1 based). This number is assigned on Intake and in other phases may be different than ClstrCnt in case of cluster additions/deletions during transformations. Example: if clusters are doubled in transform, then ClstrCnt value in output are: 1,2,3,4,... while ClstrNo values are: 1,1,2,2,...
Public propertyGlobalCache
A set of key value pairs that are common to all records and clusters throughout the process execution.
Public propertyPhase
Phase of the pipeline: Intake, Transformation or Output
Public propertyRecCnt
Number of records processed so far by the phase, including all records in current cluster. In case of Transformation phase, this number refers to records before transformation, and not after (note that transformation may add or delete records). In Intake phase, header row does not count towards RecCnt. In Output phase, leader, header and trailer rows do not count towards RecCnt.
Public propertyRecNo
Sequence number (1 based) of the first record in current cluster as it appeared on Intake (i.e. before any transformations). This number is determined when clusters are formed during Intake and remains unchanged even as records are added or deleted during transformations; it corresponds to the cluster's StartRecNo. Note 2 special values: 0 (HeadClusterRecNo) in case of head cluster and -1 (FootClusterRecNo in case of foot cluster.
Public propertyTransfmrNo
Transformer's sequence number for Transformation phase; always -1 for Intake and Output
See Also