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Xrecord Properties

The Xrecord type exposes the following members.

Public propertyClstrNo
Cluster number associated with the record; 0 means undetermined. Data Conveyer assigns this number based on the ClusterNode value of the XmlJsonIntakeSettings setting. This number is assigned sequentially, separately for each source. The ClstrNo is intended for evaluation (together with SourceNo) by the ClusterMarker function, which controls determination of the ClstrNo of the record (IRecord) on intake.
(Overrides ExternalLineClstrNo.)
Public propertyExcerpt
First item in a form key=value.
(Overrides ExternalLineExcerpt.)
Public propertyItems
A sequence of key-value pairs, each pair defining a single element (field) of the record; both key and value are strings.
(Overrides ExternalLineItems.)
Public propertyText
A single line of text. Only meaningful in case of Xtext subclass; otherwise null (Nothing in Visual Basic).
(Inherited from ExternalLine.)
Public propertyTraceBin
Initial trace bin contents that may be obtained from XML nodes that represent clusters.
(Overrides ExternalLineTraceBin.)
Public propertyType
Nature of data that Data Conveyer receives from Intake and sends to Output.
(Inherited from ExternalLine.)
See Also