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ExternalLineHelpersToExternalTuple Method

Overload List
Public methodStatic memberToExternalTuple(IEnumerableTupleString, Object)
Translate a record expressed as a sequence of key-value pairs (where a cluster number is undetermined) into a tuple used by intake suppliers and output consumers in case of a single source or target.
Public methodStatic memberToExternalTuple(String)
Translate a line of text into a tuple used by intake suppliers and output consumers in case of a single source or target.
Public methodStatic memberToExternalTuple(TupleIEnumerableTupleString, Object, Int32)
Translate a tuple with a record (expressed as a sequence of key-value pairs) to a tuple with an ExternalLine object.
Public methodStatic memberToExternalTuple(TupleString, Int32)
Translate a tuple with a line of text to a tuple with an ExternalLine object.
Public methodStatic memberToExternalTuple(IEnumerableTupleString, Object, Int32)
Translate a record expressed as a sequence of key-value pairs into a tuple used by by intake suppliers and output consumers in case of a single source or target.
Public methodStatic memberToExternalTuple(String, Int32)
Translate a line of text into a tuple used by suppliers and consumers.
Public methodStatic memberToExternalTuple(IEnumerableTupleString, Object, Int32, Int32)
Translate a record expressed as a sequence of key-value pairs into a tuple used by intake suppliers and output consumers.
See Also