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OrchestratorConfigRestoreConfig Method

A factory method to create a configuration instance from saved configuration settings. The configuration consists of 1 or 2 files: a .cfg file (required) containing configuration data in XML format (as saved by the SaveConfig(String) method), and a .dll file (optional) containing executable code, i.e. static functions named the same as the corresponding configured delegates (e.g. TypeDefiner or ClusterMarker). The DLL must be built as standalone .NET class library project using Visual Studio (or equivalent). The project must reference the current version of Data Conveyer (so, it must be rebuilt with each upgrade). The functions must be placed in a static class named ConfigFunctions. Both files (.cfg and .dll) must be placed in the same folder as DataConveyer.dll.

Namespace:  Mavidian.DataConveyer.Orchestrators
Assembly:  DataConveyer (in DataConveyer.dll) Version: 3.4.6+1324144ff7
public static OrchestratorConfig RestoreConfig(
	string configPath,
	ILogger logger = null


Type: SystemString
Name of the configuration to restore, which is the same as the names of the files with configuration data, but without .cfg/.dll extension. It may be preceded by a path (absolute or relative).
logger (Optional)
Type: Mavidian.DataConveyer.LoggingILogger
Logger to be used to process log entries generated by Data Conveyer, such as warnings or errors. If omitted, a Null logger will be assumed.

Return Value

Type: OrchestratorConfig
The restored configuration instance or null in case of failure.
See Also